May 30, 2019

First Impressions of Britain - Podcast 48

Erica literally holds onto her hat on the banks of the Thames

Last time we talked about Dominic's first impressions of America, so we thought it only fair that we do a similar podcast focusing on Erica's first impressions of the UK.  Again, my first trip to Britain was almost 12 years ago, so my memories of my initial reaction to the country are not as fresh as they once were, but as we reminisce I am able to remember more and more about what I first thought of England.  The country is amazing, but were there things I was surprised about or didn't like?  You'll have to listen to find out!

May 28, 2019

First Impressions of America - Podcast 47

Dominic taking a trip on Route 66

This podcast is all about Dominic's first impressions of America, as a British person visiting the US for his first time in 2008.  Just as a side note, this podcast will focus on Dominic's impressions of Texas, specifically, as we didn't travel outside of the state his first time to America.  And, while clearly 2008 was quite a while ago, he can just about remember what he thought about this country when he first got here and what he can't remember, I remember for him.  What did he think about the weather, the roads, the people?  Was America everything he thought it would be?  Will Erica be triggered by Dominic's opinions of her country?  Find out the answers to all these questions and more in our latest episode!

May 23, 2019

British Crisps vs American Chips - Podcast 46

Ah, those classic British crisps flavors: Salt and Vinegar, Cheese and Onion, Cajun Squirrel?  Now, Lays (Walkers in the UK) holds their "Do Us a Flavor" competition in America too, where the general public can submit unique flavors to go on their classic potato chip and everyone votes on them and they choose a winner or winners... but, I have to believe the Cajun Squirrel "flavor" pictured above was submitted by some cheeky Brit who thought they'd submit an off-the-wall flavor for a laugh and Walkers was like, "Well, they like things like prawn cocktail, ham and cranberry, and Marmite crisps, so 'Cajun Squirrel' it is!"  If you've been to Britain, you've likely seen their sometimes crazy crisps flavors, and if you're someone from the UK who's visited the USA, you'll know that eating Sweet Thai Basil-flavored chips is living on the edge for many Americans.  And that, my friends, is what this podcast is all about: British crisps and American chips.  Have a listen and then join in the conversation by letting us know what the craziest flavor chip you've ever eaten has been and whether you liked it or not.

May 21, 2019

Game of Thrones Finale - SPOILER ALERT - Podcast 45

Image: BagoGames (CC By 2.0)

Before I say one word about our latest podcast, I have to warn you not to continue reading if you watch Game of Thrones, but haven't seen the finale.  Also, do not listen to this podcast, as it is full of spoilers.  There.  You were warned.  Now, obviously the photo above is from the GoT episode, "Battle of the Bastards," but in my mind, it's John single-handedly fighting off the Dothraki and the Unsullied for his rightful claim to the throne, after he's killed the crazy dragon lady.  To be honest, we really had no intention of recording another Game of Thrones podcast episode, but after that ending, how could we not?  Um, Bran?  Listen to our latest episode and then let us know in our Facebook group your thoughts on the Game of Thrones finale.

May 16, 2019

Game of Thrones - SPOILER ALERT - Podcast 44

Image: BagoGames, (CC By 2.0)

Why yes.  That is Ned Stark on the Iron Throne.  Bet you didn't see that ending coming?  This podcast is all about my (Erica's) favorite show ever in the history of the universe, Game of Thrones, and of course, we don't actually know how this thing is going to end, though we're betting Ned Stark sitting on the Iron Throne would surprise literally everyone, for obvious reasons.  Please listen to this podcast at your own risk, however, as we discuss many spoilers for anyone out there who hasn't ever seen the show, but is planning on watching it.  And, please note that we recorded this episode before watching last Sunday's... ahem... episode, so there won't be any talk about... ahem... that.  Have a listen and then let us know if you're a diehard fan who's sad to see it go, or if you're one of the many people out there complaining about this season and demanding HBO redo it.  (That is a thing, by the way.  There's a petition.  Look it up.)

May 14, 2019

Chocolate Series 1, Episode 3: Discontinued Chocolate & Storytime - Podcast 43

Photo from Amazon

We're reminiscing about all the chocolate that once was.  Dominic is very nostalgic while Erica can barely remember yesterday, much less chocolate from her childhood that no longer exists.  But this episode isn't just about discontinued chocolate, no, it's also about all the chocolatey topics we didn't discuss in our previous podcasts.  For instance, in this episode we'll also reveal a little story about the first time we met and all the chocolate Dominic did or did not bring me.  You'll have to listen to find out which it was.  There's more, but I have to go eat some chocolate now, so have a listen to our podcast to see what else we talk about.  Can you remember any of the chocolate bars we mention from the UK or America?  Let us know in the comments section or in our Facebook group.

May 9, 2019

Chocolate Series 1, Episode 2: American Chocolate - Podcast 42

Photo by Erica Williams

In this episode we're discussing American chocolate and why it's hated the world over.  What?  You didn't know?  Neither did I until one day when Dominic told me how horrible it was and I Googled it, and lo and behold, the rest of the world despises our chocolate!  Nothing made it more evident than, when trying to search for a list to use in this podcast, of "The Best American Chocolate," not too much turned up.  In fact, we had to resort to using a list from a Canadian website!  I knew when going through the list that many of them sounded old fashioned, but I only just realized Twix wasn't even on the list!  We do have some good chocolate, world.  I promise.  Just stay away from Hershey bars and you'll be all right.  Once you've finished listening to this episode, let us know, by tweeting us or commenting below, what are your favorite American chocolates?

May 7, 2019

Chocolate Series 1, Episode 1: British Chocolate - Podcast 41

Photo by Joel Kramer via Flickr, (CC by 2.0)

The person who took the photo above captioned it with, "British candy is the most delicious international candy of all" and apparently many people agree with this.  But which chocolates are British?  Do we have them in America?  Which are the most popular chocolate bars and what makes them so darned tasty?  Unfortunately, we'll just be talking (rather than tasting) our way through this topic, but it's a delicious journey nonetheless.  Have you ever eaten British chocolate?  What did you think of it?  How does it compare with American chocolate in your opinion?  We're dying to know your thoughts.  Let us know your opinions in the comments section below or on our Facebook group.

May 2, 2019

Derry Girls and Northern Ireland - Podcast 40

Photo courtesy of Flickr, [CC by 2.0]

If the title of this blog/podcast isn't ringing any bells, then you had better have a listen, because: (1) Derry Girls is a very funny Irish comedy you might actually enjoy once you learn about it, and (2) you might learn something about Northern Ireland you didn't already know.  Of course, there's also the good possibility you'll leave this episode even more confused about things than before you listened to it, but you know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.  We really should have thought to have an Irish person do this podcast episode with us, but again (see previous shrug emoji).  After you've listened, let us know if you've seen Derry Girls and what you think of it.  Also, please feel free to tell us how many things we got wrong, or are ignorant about, or just to have a general go at us.